My Favorite Things in 2016


Schwan's cookies with a glass of milk Happy New Year!!! We're a couple of weeks into the new year, and I wanted to share some of the things I really enjoyed in 2016.

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Healthy Food

This year we really got into making smoothies. I started making one that tastes like my favorite from Tropical Smoothie, the Kiwi Quencher. I make it with strawberries, kiwis, a banana, plain yogurt, and almond milk. I'll be doing a blog post with our favorite smoothie recipes soon, and will link it here when it's done.

Junk Food

Since my husband began working for Schwan's, I started eating waaayyy more desserts. Above anything else, in my opinion, is definitely their frozen chocolate chip cookie dough. They are so delicious, and I can have a couple (or four or five) fresh-baked cookies and milk when I get home from work with very little effort on my part. Actually, I'm going to make some right now before I finish writing this post :)


This year we moved to the northern Lower Peninsula in Michigan where the winters are very cold. Since the move, I've had to acquire more and more clothes for this chilly weather. For Christmas my husband got me a super warm, fuzzy, and long robe. When I'm at home, I live in it. It's amazing! I love that it's basically like wearing a blanket. You can buy it on Amazon here


This year I didn't experiment too much with makeup. BUT! I did start using an eye kohl on my waterlines when I was trying to cut time out of my morning makeup routine before work. I really like using an eye kohl, because it draws attention to my eyes and makes my lashes look longer without all the steps I had when using eyeshadow and liquid liner. I've been using the NYX Cosmetics Noir Kohl Kajal Black Liner


There are 2 shows that I wanted to include here: The Man in the High Castle, and Black Mirror.

At the beginning of the year my husband found The Man in the High Castle, and we binge watched the first season. In a very small nutshell, the show is about what the United States might have been like if the Allies lost World War II. The second season just came out, and we're going to try to watch it in the next couple days.

In December he found Black Mirror on Netflix, and we watch all three seasons before the end of the year. It's almost like a collection of visual, short stories, because each episode is different. Most of them focus on something that is happening in our society, and what it could be like in the not-so-distant future. It really makes you think about the things you might write off as being small issues, because they don't affect you too much right this moment.


2016 was a huge year for us! We left Lansing and moved to Gaylord, and in the process sold one house and bought another. It was a huge undertaking, but it was totally worth it. We love it up here :)


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